Saturday, September 26, 2009

Spooky Gang

Out for a night on the town!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monster Night!

This is one of a new bunch of Halloween pictures I've been working on. Originally, I was going to do just the one --- family had been asking me to do one for a long time. It turned out so well, and so fun to do, that I kept going. I'm hoping that they may turn into a book, but in the meeantime, I'm looking into a limited-run print of one or two.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some Video from the Hobbit Hole

Here's some video from my studio, with new bus shelter murals dominating the space.

A Few Pieces I Did This Summer...

Here are a few pieces that got done this Summer; I spent most of my time in the studio working on bus-shelter murals (which I'll upload some video of shortly), so personal or smaller illo work was fairly thin. Nevertherless, looking forward to more work this Autumn.